Constellation Brands - Dallas 2019

S&M Scenic - "Dallas Beer Show"

Designed by Upshot Agency, Chicago.

Constructed and Installed by S&M Scenic, Las Vegas.

As Assistant Designer, I was responsible for taking the designs from Upshot Agency and converting them to a scalable construction standard, providing detailed build plans, CNC files, and cut lists. When those designs were finished, I worked with the team to construct, finish, ship, and install in Dallas, TX in March 2019.

Constellation Brands - Dallas 2019

Designed by Upshot Agency, Chicago.

Constructed and Installed by S&M Scenic, Las Vegas.

As Assistant Designer, I was responsible for taking the designs from Upshot Agency and converting them to a scalable construction standard, providing detailed build plans, CNC files, and cut lists. When those designs were finished, I worked with the team to construct, finish, ship, and install in Dallas, TX in March 2019.